HB 2371 - DIGEST

Authorizes the director to issue a special trapping permit during the livestock birthing season to a person who applies for such a permit in writing, and establishes that there exists on his or her property an individual coyote, or an identified group of coyotes, that is either causing injury, or is a threat to cause injury, to commercial livestock during the birthing season of that species of livestock.

Authorizes the owner or operator of commercial timber, as those terms are defined in RCW 76.09.020, to use a number 110 Conibear trap to trap mountain beaver if nonlethal control tools, including but not limited to fencing, electrical fencing, or tree-wrapping, cannot be reasonably applied.

Requires any individual mountain beavers trapped under this act, and the approximate location of the trapping, to be reported to the department on an annual basis.

Directs the department of fish and wildlife to conduct a series of statewide public outreach and education efforts during the 2004 calendar year that explain the availability and function of the special permits allowed under RCW 77.15.194 and this act.

Creates the legislative furbearer study group to meet during the interim between the 2004 and 2005 legislative sessions.

Provides that the study group shall limit its activities to investigating the issues and options associated with the proper treatment and ultimate disposition of animal pelts and carcasses lawfully captured and killed by a body-gripping trap.

Requires the study group to report to the legislature by December 31, 2004, with its recommendations, if any, in the form of suggested legislation.