HB 2591 - DIGEST

Directs the department of ecology to review the state and local policies included in the state's approved coastal zone management program, and other state and local policies not included in the program, which if included would further the purposes of protecting the state's coastal zone. This review shall be conducted in consultation with other state agencies and local governments administering the policies and programs under review, and, at a minimum, shall include the departments of natural resources and fish and wildlife, and the governing bodies of the counties included within the state's coastal zone.

Requires the department to conclude its review by December 1, 2004, and report its recommendations to the appropriate committees of the legislature.

Directs the department to compile the elements of the federally approved state coastal zone management program into a single document to facilitate administration of the program by the various state agencies and local governments responsible for individual elements, and to facilitate public review and participation in federal consistency reviews and other coastal zone management program activities.