HB 2815 - DIGEST

Provides that a retainer practice may charge a retainer fee as consideration for being available to provide and providing primary care services to a retainer subscriber during a specified service period if the retainer health care practice deposits the fee in one or more identifiable trust accounts and distributes the fee to the retainer practice at the end of the specified service period.

Provides that every retainer health care practice must: (1) File with the commissioner: (a) forms of contracts between the retainer practice and retainer subscribers; and (b) documents relating to the creation and maintenance of any retainer fee trust accounts;

(2) Maintain for a period of five years a file of all advertising relating to the retainer practice and its services and, upon request, must make the file available to the commissioner for review; and

(3) Maintain for a period of five years all records relating to retainer fees received by the retainer health care practice and, upon request, must make the records available to the commissioner for review.