HB 2843-S2 - DIGEST
Affirms continued strong support for Washington's community and technical college system and the two plus two model of education that provides access to baccalaureate degrees throughout the state.
Finds that creation of an additional four-year institution would complement the existing structure and provide additional options for students.
Declares an intent to create the University of Washington Bothell, a four-year campus with the mission of a comprehensive university.
Directs the University of Washington to convene a transition work group to identify implementation issues and recommend solutions associated with the new designation of the University of Washington Bothell.
Requires the work group to address the following issues as well as others identified by the work group: (1) The phase-in of lower-division courses;
(2) An enrollment plan that provides adequate capacity for community college transfer students;
(3) Appropriate levels of state general fund support and tuition and fees for the campus, commensurate with its role and mission; and
(4) Identification of any start-up costs to implement the transition.
Provides that, if the work group determines that the proposed transition for the campus has a direct or indirect impact on the facilities, students, faculty, or programs of Cascadia Community College, the University of Washington shall involve representatives from the college in discussions regarding the impact.
Requires the work group to submit a progress report to the higher education and fiscal committees of the senate and house of representatives by December 15, 2004.