SB 5062-S - DIGEST
Provides that the Puget Sound recreational fisheries enhancement oversight committee has the following duties: (1) Advise the department on all aspects of the Puget Sound recreational fisheries enhancement program;
(2) Review and provide guidance on the annual budget for the recreational fisheries enhancement account;
(3) Select a chair of the committee. It is the chair's duty to coordinate with the department on all issues related to the Puget Sound recreational fisheries enhancement program;
(4) Meet at least quarterly with the department's coordinator of the Puget Sound recreational fisheries enhancement program;
(5) Review and comment on program documents and proposed production of salmon and other species; and
(6) Address other issues related to the purposes of the Puget Sound recreational fisheries enhancement program that are of interest to recreational fishers in Puget Sound.
Creates the recreational fisheries enhancement account in the state treasury. All receipts from RCW 77.105.140 shall be deposited into the account. Moneys in the account may be spent only after appropriation. Expenditures from the account may be used only for recreational fisheries enhancement programs identified in chapter 77.105 RCW. Under no circumstances may moneys from the account be used to backfill shortfalls in other state funding sources.