SB 5142-S.E - DIGEST
Provides that, except for students who reside out-of-state, a district shall accept applications from nonresident students who are the children of full-time certificated and classified school employees, and those children shall be permitted to enroll: (1) At the school to which the employee is assigned; or
(2) At a school forming the district's K through 12 continuum which includes the school to which the employee is assigned.
Authorizes a district to reject applications under this act if: (1) The student's disciplinary records indicate a history of convictions for offenses or crimes, violent or disruptive behavior, or gang membership;
(2) The student has been expelled or suspended from a public school for more than ten consecutive days. Any policy allowing for readmission of expelled or suspended students under this provision must apply uniformly to both resident and nonresident applicants; or
(3) Enrollment of a child under this act would displace a child who is a resident of the district, except that if a child is admitted under this act, that child shall be permitted to remain enrolled at that school, or in that district's kindergarten through twelfth grade continuum, until he or she has completed his or her schooling.
April 17, 2003
To the Honorable President and Members,
The Senate of the State of Washington
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I am returning herewith, without my approval as to section 3, Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5142 entitled:
"AN ACT Relating to permitting children of certificated and classified school employees to enroll at the school where the employee is assigned;"
This bill requires, upon application, that school districts enroll children of their certificated and classified school employees in the school to which the employee is assigned, or to one of the schools in the feeder school system for the school to which the employee is assigned.
Section 3 of this bill would have provided for certain reporting requirements. The veto of this section has been requested by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and has the concurrence of the bill sponsor and the sponsor of the Section 3 amendment. Nonetheless, I understand that the Superintendent of Public Instruction intends to provide information regarding the provisions of this bill to the legislature by means of a survey. I support this less burdensome approach.
For these reasons, I have vetoed section 3 of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5142.
With the exception of section 3, Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5142 is approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Locke