SB 5310-S - DIGEST
Designates bond requirements for title insurance agent licenses.
Provides that, at the time of filing an application for a title insurance agent license, or any renewal or reinstatement of a title insurance agent license, the applicant shall provide satisfactory evidence to the commissioner of having obtained the following as evidence of financial responsibility: (1) A fidelity bond or fidelity insurance providing coverage in the aggregate amount of two hundred thousand dollars with a deductible no greater than ten thousand dollars covering the applicant and each corporate officer, partner, escrow officer, and employee of the applicant conducting the business of an escrow agent as defined in RCW 18.44.011 and exempt from licensing under RCW 18.44.021(6); and
(2) A surety bond in the amount of ten thousand dollars executed by the applicant as obligor and by a surety company authorized to do a surety business in this state as surety, or some other security approved by the commissioner, unless the fidelity bond or fidelity insurance obtained by the licensee to satisfy the requirement in (1) of this section does not have a deductible.