SB 5332 - DIGEST
Provides that, upon approval of the watershed plan, the implementing governments may name an implementation lead agency. Implementing governments are local governments, tribal governments, or other units of government that formally accept obligations for plan implementation.
Declares that the role of the implementation lead agency is to provide coordination and oversight during the implementation of the plan.
Requires implementing governments, with the advice of a planning unit or similar group, to provide for periodic review of approved watershed plans and consider recommending amendments if needed. Approval of amendments to a plan must be through the county legislative authorities, following the procedures in RCW 90.82.130. Once approved, the obligations voluntarily accepted by implementing agencies become binding as provided in RCW 90.82.130.
Provides that within one year of accepting funding for plan coordination and oversight, the implementing governments must complete a detailed implementation plan. The implementation plan must include coordination of salmon recovery projects with lead entities working under chapter 246, Laws of 1998.
Declares that submittal of a detailed implementation plan to the department is a condition for receiving grants for the second and all subsequent years of the phase four grant.