SB 5575-S - DIGEST
Declares that RCW 90.03.370 does not apply to facilities to recapture and reuse return flow from irrigation operations serving a single farm under an existing water right as long as the acreage irrigated is not increased beyond the acreage allowed to be irrigated under the water right.
Declares that RCW 90.03.370 does not apply to small irrigation impoundments. For purposes of this section, "small irrigation impoundments" means lined surface storage ponds less than ten acre feet in volume used to impound irrigation water under a seasonal water right, permit, contract, shareholder right, or other entitlement, where use of the impoundment: (1) Facilitates efficient use of water or promotes compliance with an approved recovery plan for endangered or threatened species; and
(2) Does not expand the number of acres irrigated or the annual consumptive quantity of water used. Water remaining in a small irrigation impoundment at the end of an irrigation season may be carried over for use in the next season.
Declares that development and use of a small irrigation impoundment does not constitute a change or amendment for purposes of RCW 90.03.380 or 90.44.055.