SB 5694-S - DIGEST


Finds that the public, as well as permit applicants, agencies, and affected parties, will benefit from an environmental review and permitting system that integrates and makes easily accessible the requirements and documentation for agency decision making, facilitating timely and effective participation in the process.

Provides that, by December 1, 2005, the office of permit assistance shall develop a guidance document for creating a unified project decision support document for state and federal agencies and local governments that will be sufficient to support all regulatory decision making.

Provides that, by December 1, 2005, the office shall develop recommendations for an integrated permit system to integrate project design, environmental review, permitting, and mitigation; develop recommendations for legislative changes to statutory authorizations and administrative procedures needed to establish the system; and develop detailed recommendations for full-scale testing of the system through one or more pilot projects.

Appropriates the sum of two hundred fifty thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, from the general fund to the office of permit assistance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, to carry out the purposes of this act.