SB 5716-S - DIGEST
Declares that it is a class C felony for any person to sell or deliver a stolen driver's license or identicard.
Provides that it is unlawful for any person to manufacture, sell, or deliver a forged, fictitious, counterfeit, fraudulently altered, or unlawfully issued driver's license or identicard, or to manufacture, sell, or deliver a blank driver's license or identicard except under the direction of the department. A violation of this provision is: (1) A class C felony if committed (a) for financial gain or (b) with intent to commit forgery, theft, or identity theft; or
(2) A gross misdemeanor if the conduct does not violate (1) of this provision.
Provides that it is a misdemeanor for any person under the age of twenty-one to manufacture or deliver fewer than four forged, fictitious, counterfeit, or fraudulently altered driver's licenses or identicards for the sole purpose of misrepresenting a person's age.