SB 5766 - DIGEST
Directs the departments of employment security, labor and industries, ecology, and revenue to develop and use a notification process to communicate information to the public regarding the postadoption notice required by this act.
Requires that, within two hundred days of the effective date of an adopted rule that imposes additional requirements on businesses the violation of which subjects the business to a penalty, assessment, or administrative sanction, an agency identified in RCW 34.05.220(1)(c) shall notify businesses affected by the rule of the requirements of the rule and how to obtain technical assistance to comply. Notification must be provided by e-mail, if possible, to every person identified to receive the postadoption notice under RCW 34.05.220(1)(c).
Requires the notification to announce the rule change, briefly summarize the rule change, refer to appeal procedures under RCW 34.05.330, and include a contact for more information. Failure to notify a specific business under this act does not invalidate a rule or waive the requirement to comply with the rule. The requirements of this act do not apply to emergency rules adopted under RCW 34.05.350.