SB 5947-S - DIGEST
Creates a task force to review the implementation of chapter 2, Laws of 1999.
Directs the task force to review the history of the implementation of chapter 2, Laws of 1999, to determine if further statutory or administrative clarification is needed. In its review, the task force shall examine issues of patient and physician utilization rates and concerns, prosecution and law enforcement difficulties and needs, relevant case law changes, statutory and administrative barriers to full implementation of the act, and any concerns raised by the applicable federal statutes. The task force shall make appropriate findings and recommendations, but is not required to produce a formal report.
Requests the attorney general to file, in the federal district court for the district of western Washington, a motion for declaratory judgment for the purpose of determining what advice physicians may provide patients regarding the use of medicinal marijuana under Washington state laws, consistent with the federal uniform controlled substances act as determined by the case of Conant v. Walters, 309 F.3rd 629 (9th Cir. 2002).