SB 6012-S - DIGEST
Establishes a staggered schedule, running from 2005 to 2014 and every seven years after the initial deadline, for the development, amendment, and review of shoreline master programs by local governments.
Requires state funding to be provided to local governments at least two years prior to the deadline.
Requires local governments to develop or amend their shoreline master programs by December 1, 2014, at the latest to comply with the new DOE guidelines, regardless of available state funding. Local governments may update their master programs earlier than the timelines provided and are eligible for grants, if funding is available. The current statutory provision prohibiting DOE from making grants to local governments in excess of the recipient's contribution is removed.
Provides that DOE is no longer required to review the shoreline guidelines at least once every five years. DOE may not adopt amendments to the guidelines more than once per year and these amendments must be limited to technical or procedural issues related to the review of master programs or issues related to guideline compliance with state statutes.