SB 6182 - DIGEST
Requires that, from January 1, 2004, and thereafter, for all public works estimated to cost one million dollars or more, all specifications shall require that no less than fifteen percent of the labor hours be performed by apprentices.
Authorizes awarding agency directors to adjust the requirements of this act for a specific project for the following reasons: (1) The demonstrated lack of availability of apprentices in specific geographic areas;
(2) A disproportionately high ratio of material costs to labor hours, which does not make feasible the required minimum levels of apprentice participation;
(3) Participating contractors have demonstrated a good faith effort to comply with the requirements of this act; or
(4) Other criteria the awarding agency director deems appropriate, which are subject to review by the office of the governor.
Provides that, at the request of the senate commerce and trade committee, the house of representatives commerce and labor committee, or their successor committees, and the governor, the department of general administration and the department of labor and industries shall compile and summarize the agency data and provide a joint report. The report shall include recommendations on modifications or improvements to the apprentice utilization program and information on skill shortages in each trade or craft.