SB 6305 - DIGEST
Provides that the business location established under RCW 46.55.060 serves as the business location of the registered tow truck operator for all purposes, including business licensure by counties, cities, towns, and all other political subdivisions. Registered tow truck operators are exempt from business licensure by a political subdivision based solely upon the operator picking up or delivering a vehicle in the political subdivision subject to the following exceptions: (1) A registered tow truck operator may be required to have a business license in a jurisdiction in which the operator has a fixed place of business.
(2) A registered tow truck operator may be required to have a business license if the operator has contracts with police agencies in the jurisdiction to perform law enforcement impounds.
(3) A registered tow truck operator may be required to have a business license if the operator has contracts with businesses in the jurisdiction to perform private impounds.