SB 6599-S - DIGEST
Provides that, in implementing any rules adopted pursuant to RCW 49.17.050(4) that require agricultural employers to implement a monitoring program for employees who handle category I or II organophosphate or N-methyl-carbamate pesticides, the department must collect and analyze data to determine whether mandatory testing is warranted and, if so, what thresholds of exposure to pesticides should trigger mandatory testing.
Provides that, upon receiving a report of a test showing actionable levels of cholinesterase depression, the department may contact the employer and offer assistance by means of a voluntary and nonpunitive consultation focused solely on pesticide workplace safety. Before conducting such consultation, the department will obtain a determination from the treating physician as to whether the physician has concluded that the depression is due to workplace exposure.
Requires that, by December 1st of each year, the department shall report the results of this data collection and analysis to the house of representatives committees on agriculture and natural resources, and commerce and labor, or their successor committees, and the senate committees on agriculture, and commerce and trade, or their successor committees. The department's report shall also identify any technical problems regarding testing or the administration of cholinesterase monitoring. Recommendations regarding legislation needed to resolve identified problems shall be presented in bill form.
Provides that, any rules adopted pursuant to RCW 49.17.050(4) that require agricultural employers to implement a monitoring program for employees who handle category I or II organophosphate or N-methyl-carbamate pesticides shall allow agricultural employers to seek reimbursement from the accident fund for the recordkeeping costs they incur in complying with such rules.