2418-S2 AMH HOLJ SNEL 039





2SHB 2418 - H AMD 857

By Representative Holmquist

ADOPTED 2/11/2006


         On page 2, line 34, after "appropriated for" strike "rental vouchers for low-income" and insert "housing vouchers for homeless persons, victims of domestic violence, and low-income persons"


   On page 3, line 15, after "(1)" strike "$8,6000,000" and insert "$8,100,000"


   On page 3, line 19, after "(2)" strike "$1,000,000" and insert "$1,500,000"


   On page 3, line 20 after "solely for" strike everything through "applicable." on line 25 and insert "short-term, long-term or emergency housing vouchers for homeless persons, victims of domestic violence, low-income persons or seasonal farm workers. The department shall establish guidelines for housing voucher programs.

   (a) Housing vouchers for low-income persons or seasonal farm workers are specifically to be used for:(i) Privately owned and operated rental units, including single-family homes; or (ii) on-farm housing units. Housing and rental units for which farm worker housing vouchers may be used must meet temporary worker housing standards, when applicable. Housing voucher programs shall be administered by local public housing authorities or other local organizations.

   (b) Housing vouchers for homeless persons and victims of domestic violence shall be administered by local public housing authorities, other local organizations with existing housing voucher programs, homeless shelters, or domestic violence shelters."


EFFECT: Changes the term rental voucher to housing voucher, and allows housing vouchers to be used to assist homeless persons, victims of domestic violence, and low-income persons in addition to farm workers. Decreases the backlog appropriation to $8,100,000, and increases the voucher appropriation to $1,500,000. Specifies that housing authorities, other organizations with housing voucher programs, homeless shelters, and domestic violence shelters will administer the housing voucher programs.