3098-S2 AMH CURT MCLA 091





2SHB 3098 - H AMD 758

By Representative Curtis

ADOPTED 2/9/2006


   On page 37, after line 7, insert the following:


   "NEW SECTION. Sec. 405. (1) The state board of education shall develop and propose a revised definition of the purpose and expectations for high school diplomas issued by public schools in Washington state. The revised definition shall address whether attainment of a high school diploma is intended to signify that a student is ready for success in college, ready for successful and gainful employment in the workplace, or some combination of these and other objectives. The revised definition shall focus on the knowledge, skills, and abilities that students are expected to demonstrate to receive a high school diploma, as well as the various methods to be used to measure student performance, rather than focusing on courses, credits, seat time, and test scores.

   (2) In developing the revised definition of the high school diploma, the state board of education shall consult with educators, parents, institutions of higher education, employers, and community leaders. The board shall also work with the state board for community and technical colleges, the higher education coordinating board, and the work force training and education coordinating board.

   (3) The state board of education shall submit the proposed revised definition of the high school diploma, along with any necessary revisions to state statutes and rules, to the education committees of the legislature by December 1, 2007."


Renumber the remaining sections consecutively, correct internal references accordingly, and correct the title.




EFFECT: By December 1, 2007, requires the SBE to develop and propose a revised definition of the purpose and expectations for a high school diploma, including addressing whether a diploma is intended to signify college readiness, readiness for work, or a combination. The definition must focus on knowledge, skills and abilities rather than courses, credits, and test scores.