6129.E AMH MORR DYLA 091





ESB 6129 - H AMD TO

By Representative Morris



   On page 1, line 15, after "property." strike the remainder of the subsection and insert the following:

   "(2) No incentive may be paid under this section for kilowatt-hours generated before July 1, 2005, or after June 30, 2020."


   Renumber remaining subsections consecutively and correct internal references.


    On page 6, line 26, after "30," strike "2014" and insert "2020"


   On page 6, after line 28, insert the following:

   "(6) This section expires June 30, 2020."


   On page 7, line 6, after "30," strike "2014" and insert "2020"


   On page 7, line 9, after "30," strike "2014" and insert "2020"


   On page 8, line 16, after "30," strike "2014" and insert "2020"


   On page 8, line 21, after "30," strike "2014" and insert "2020"


   On page 8, line 36, after "31," strike "2014" and insert "2020"



EFFECT: Changes the expiration date of the cost recovery incentive payment, the sales and use tax exemption, the business and occupations job tax credit, and the property tax exemption to 2020.