6342.E AMH HUNT ADAM 080
ESB 6342 - H AMD 1059
By Representative Hunter
On page 1, line 18, after "normally elected" insert ". In a city or town that contracts with one or more cities or towns for the provision of municipal court services, the municipal judge or judges shall be selected as provided in RCW 3.50.050(7) and shall serve for a term of four years"
On page 3, after line 29, insert the following:
"(7) The provisions of this section do not apply to a city or town that meets the requirements of RWC 39.34.180 by entering into an interlocal agreement with one or more cities or towns for the provision of municipal court services. The municipal judge or judges of the court providing judicial services under the interlocal agreement shall be appointed by the mayor of the hosting jurisdiction or as otherwise provided in the interlocal agreement. For the purposes of this section, "hosting jurisdiction" means a city or town designated in an interlocal agreement as receiving compensation for providing judicial services to the contracting city, and "contracting city" means any city or town that contracts with a hosting jurisdiction for the delivery of municipal court services."
EFFECT: Provides that election of municipal court judges does not apply to cities or towns that contract with other cities or towns for municipal court services. Instead, the municipal judge or judges are appointed by the mayor of the "hosting jurisdiction" or as otherwise provided in the interlocal agreement.