E2SHB 1071 -
By Committee on Health & Long-Term Care
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 The joint legislative audit and review
committee shall:
(1) Review and analyze national research to identify programs and
practices that have been proven effective at regulating the competency
and quality of professional health care providers under the
jurisdiction of the medical quality assurance commission and the dental
quality assurance commission;
(2) Report on the research findings about costs, benefits, and
outcomes of the programs and practices identified in subsection (1) of
this section that: (a) Have been successfully implemented by other
states; (b) have resulted in superior outcomes related to the quality
of professional health care providers; (c) promote the quality of
health care; and (d) promote the efficient and effective oversight of
professional health care providers;
(3) Review and analyze the current structure and processes for
regulating the competency and quality of professional health care
providers under the jurisdiction of the medical quality assurance
commission and the dental quality assurance commission, including but
not limited to a review of the complaint processing and sanction
determination phase; and
(4) Recommend to the department of health administrative and
budgetary practices which support the purpose of the medical quality
assurance commission and the dental quality assurance commission as
established in statute, consistent with the findings in subsections (1)
and (2) of this section.
The committee shall submit a report to the appropriate legislative
committees by January 1, 2008."
E2SHB 1071 -
By Committee on Health & Long-Term Care
On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "professions;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and creating a new section."