1565-S2 AMS BENT HYSO 059




2SHB 1565 - S AMD 599 TO TRAN AMD (S3117.2)

By Senator Benton


ADOPTED 4/15/05



Beginning on page 1, line 3 of the amendment, strike all of sections 1 and 2


Renumber the remaining section consecutively.


On page 4, line 30 of the amendment, after "in" insert "all"


On page 4, line 30 of the amendment, after "jurisdictions" strike all material through "RCW 36.70A.215"






2SHB 1565 - S AMD TO TRAN AMD (S3117.2)

   By    Senator



   On page 5, line 13 of the title amendment, after "insert" strike the remainder of the title amendment and insert "and creating a new section."



— END ---

    EFFECT: Removes section 1 which permitted jurisdictions to include multimodal transportation improvements or strategies to meet concurrency requirements.

    Removes section 2 that required RTPO plans to include provisions for regional growth centers addressing concurrency strategies, measurements for vehicle level of service, and total multimodal capacity.

    Requires that the study by DOT provide recommendations for

improving the coordination of concurrency practices in all
