2SHB 1565 -
By Committee on Transportation
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 (1)(a) The department of transportation
shall administer a study to examine multimodal transportation
improvements and strategies to comply with the concurrency requirements
of RCW 36.70A.070(6), subject to the availability of amounts
appropriated for this specific purpose. The study shall be completed
by one or more regional transportation planning organizations
established under chapter 47.80 RCW electing to participate in the
(b) The department of community, trade, and economic development
shall provide technical assistance with the study to the department of
transportation and participating regional transportation planning
(2) The department of transportation shall, in consultation with
members from each of the two largest caucuses of the senate, appointed
by the president of the senate, and members from each of the two
largest caucuses of the house of representatives, appointed by the
speaker of the house of representatives, approve the scope of the study
established by this section.
(3) The study shall, at a minimum, include:
(a) An assessment and comprehensive summary of studies or reports
examining concurrency requirements and practices in Washington;
(b) An examination of existing or proposed multimodal
transportation improvements or strategies employed by a city in a
county with a population of one million or more residents;
(c) An examination of transit services and how these services
promote multimodal transportation improvements or strategies for
jurisdictions planning under RCW 36.70A.070(6)(b);
(d) Recommendations for statutory and administrative rule changes
that will further the promotion of effective multimodal transportation
improvements and strategies that are consistent with the provisions of
RCW 36.70A.070 and 36.70A.020(3);
(e) Recommendations for improving the coordination of concurrency
practices in all jurisdictions;
(f) Recommendations on a methodology that jurisdictions may use to
evaluate the effectiveness of multimodal concurrency strategies in
jurisdictions subject to the provisions of RCW 36.70A.070 and
(g) An identification of effective multimodal transportation
improvements and strategies employed by jurisdictions subject to RCW
(h) Recommendations for model multimodal transportation
improvements and strategies that may be employed by counties and
cities; and
(i) An examination of multimodal infrastructure needs, such as bus
pull outs and pedestrian crosswalks and overpasses, and how these needs
can be better identified in the plans required by RCW 36.70A.070(6).
(4) The department of transportation shall, in coordination with
participating regional transportation planning organizations completing
the study established by this section, submit a report of findings and
recommendations to the appropriate committees of the legislature by
December 31, 2006."
2SHB 1565 -
By Committee on Transportation
On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "strategies;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and creating a new section."