1964 AMS FINK GORR 092




HB 1964 - S AMD to S AMD (S5351.1) 381

   By    Senator Finkbeiner




   On page 1, line 5 after "onion" insert "is unique to Washington State and has been grown here for more than one hundred years. Therefore, the Walla Walla sweet onion"


   On page 1, line 5, after "official" strike "edible bulb" and insert "vegetable"


   On page 1, line 9 of the amendment, after "The" insert "potato is of vital importance to the state's economy. Washington State produces the highest yield per acre of potatoes in the world, and continues to lead the nation in the production of potatoes used for processed foods. Therefore, the"


   On page 1, line 9, after "official" strike "tuber" and insert "row crop"


--- END ---



EFFECT: Makes the onion the state vegetable and the potato the state row crop.