SHB 1986 -
By Committee on Early Learning, K-12 & Higher Education
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 The legislature finds that over time,
numerous tuition waiver statutes have been enacted that allow the
state's institutions of higher education to waive all or a portion of
tuition for certain eligible students. The legislature finds further
that the compilation of waiver statutes may create the unintended
consequences of confusion or competition in their application. The
legislature also finds that insofar as tuition waivers have a fiscal
impact to the state general fund and to the institutions of higher
education, it is in the best interests of the state to undertake a
periodic review of tuition waiver statutes in order to examine whether
the various waivers are still consistent with the state's priorities in
serving its citizens.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 The higher education coordinating board, in
collaboration with the state board for community and technical colleges
and the four-year institutions of higher education, shall review the
current waivers at the state's institutions of higher education and
develop recommendations for prioritization of waiver authority. The
board shall report to the appropriate committees of the legislature by
December 1, 2006, on recommendations for prioritization, including
repeal, consolidation, standardization, or other changes to current
SHB 1986 -
By Committee on Early Learning, K-12 & Higher Education
On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "waivers;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and creating new sections."