SB 5049 -
By Senators Kohl-Welles, Fairley, Benton
ADOPTED 02/09/2005
On page 3, beginning on line 31, after "(12)" strike all material through "2006;" on line 37 and insert "Provide tenants with information provided or approved by the department of health about the health hazards associated with exposure to indoor mold. The information must detail how tenants can control mold growth in their dwelling units to minimize the health risks associated with indoor mold. Landlords may obtain the information from the department's web site or, if requested by the landlord, the department must mail the information to the landlord in a printed format. When developing or changing the information, the department of health must include representatives of landlords in the development process. The information must be provided by the landlord to new tenants at the time the lease or rental agreement is signed, and must be provided to current tenants no later than January 1, 2006;"
EFFECT: The information provided from the Department of Health to
landlords must be available by request in paper form, in addition to
electronically over the Internet.
In addition to mold information "provided" by DOH, information that
is "approved" by DOH may be used by landlords.
In the event DOH develops or changes the information, landlord
representatives must be involved in the process.