5213-S2 AMS CARR S2613.1

2SSB 5213  - S AMD TO S AMD (S-2479.1/05)263
     By Senator Carrell

NOT ADOPTED 03/14/2005

     Beginning on page 2, line 37 of the amendment, after "(4)" strike all material through "(5)))" on page 3, line 8, and insert "In order to be eligible for temporary assistance for needy families benefits, any applicant with a felony conviction ((after August 21, 1996,)) involving drug use or possession((, must: (a) Have been assessed as chemically dependent by a chemical dependency program approved under chapter 70.96A RCW and be participating in or have completed a coordinated rehabilitation plan consisting of chemical dependency treatment and vocational services; and (b) have not been convicted of a felony involving drug use or possession in the three years prior to the most current conviction)) after August 21, 1996, and who is found eligible for temporary assistance for needy families benefits after the effective date of this act, shall become ineligible to receive such benefits if he or she is convicted of more than one subsequent felony for drug use or possession after the effective date of this act.

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