SSB 5396 -
By Senator Mulliken
ADOPTED 03/16/2005
On page 9, after line 28, insert the following:
"(12)(a) If the acquisition of property interests for riparian
protection from the riparian protection account under this chapter
reduces the development potential of that land in a county or city
planning under RCW 36.70A.040:
(i) The county must determine the acreage and qualitative reduction
in land suitable for development within the county and docket that
amount as a deficiency to the planning director of the county in which
the land is located;
(ii) By December 31, 2005, and at least every five years
thereafter, each county shall increase the total amount of land
suitable for development within the county by the total docketed
acreage deficiency pursuant to (a)(i) of this subsection, with
comparable qualitative land characteristics, through enactment of a
county ordinance.
(b) As used in this subsection:
(i) "Docketing" means compiling and maintaining a detailed list,
available to the public, of acreage and land use deficiencies in a
manner that ensures the deficiencies will be presented for the required
periodic county action;
(ii) "Qualitative land characteristics" means the designated use of
the land in deficiency, its suitability for development, the general
location of that land within the county, its physical characteristics,
and the availability of urban governmental services for the land."
EFFECT: This provides no-net-loss of buildable lands within counties where moneys from the riparian protection account are used to purchase land that otherwise could have been developed.