SSB 5499 -
By Senator Benton
PULLED 03/08/2005
On page 5, after line 36, insert the following:
"Sec. 3 RCW 29A.08.830 and 2003 c 111 s 255 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Any registered voter may request that the registration of
another voter be canceled if he or she believes that the voter does not
meet the requirements of Article VI, section 1 of the state
Constitution or that voter no longer maintains a legal voting residence
at the address shown on his or her registration record. The challenger
shall file with the county auditor a signed affidavit subject to the
penalties of perjury, to the effect that to his or her personal
knowledge and belief another registered voter does not actually reside
at the address as given on his or her registration record or is
otherwise not a qualified voter and that the voter in question is not
protected by the provisions of Article VI, section 4, of the
Constitution of the state of Washington. ((The person filing the
challenge must furnish the address at which the challenged voter
actually resides.))
(2) Any such challenge of a voter's registration and right to vote
made less than thirty days before a primary or election, special or
general, shall be administered under RCW 29A.08.820. The county
auditor shall notify the challenged voter and the precinct election
officers in the voter's precinct that a challenge has been filed,
provide the name of the challenger, and instruct both the precinct
election officers and the voter that, in the event the challenged voter
desires to vote at the ensuing primary or election, a challenged ballot
will be provided. The voter shall also be informed that the status of
his or her registration and the disposition of any challenged ballot
will be determined by the county canvassing board in the manner
provided by RCW 29A.08.820. If the challenged voter does not vote at
the ensuing primary or election, the challenge shall be processed in
the same manner as challenges made more than thirty days prior to the
primary or election under RCW 29A.08.840."
Renumber the sections following consecutively and correct internal references accordingly.
SSB 5499 -
By Senator Benton
PULLED 03/08/2005
In line 2 of the title, after "29A.04.611," insert "29A.08.830,"
EFFECT: Eliminates requirement that person challenging a voter's registration provide the address at which the challenged voter actually resides.