5499-S AMS ROAC S2569.1

SSB 5499  - S AMD TO S AMD (KAST HESS 016)229
     By Senator Roach

ADOPTED 03/12/2005

     On page 22, after line 4 of the amendment, insert the following:

"Sec. 26   RCW 46.20.155 and 2004 c 249 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
     (1) Before issuing an original license or identicard or renewing a license or identicard under this chapter, the licensing agent shall determine if the applicant wants to register to vote or transfer his or her voter registration by asking the following question:

     "Do you want to register to vote or transfer your voter registration?"

     If the applicant chooses to register or transfer a registration, the agent shall ((state)) ask and confirm the following:

     (("I would like to remind you that you must be a United States citizen and at least eighteen years of age in order to vote."))

     (a) "Are you a United States citizen?"
     (b) "Are you at least eighteen years of age?"

     If the applicant answers in the affirmative to both questions, t
he agent shall then provide the applicant with a voter registration form and instructions and shall record that the applicant has requested to register to vote or transfer a voter registration.
     If the applicant answers in the negative to either question, the agent shall not provide the applicant with a voter registration form and instructions.
     (2) The department shall establish a procedure that substantially meets the requirements of subsection (1) of this section when permitting an applicant to renew a license or identicard by mail or by electronic commerce."

SSB 5499  - S AMD TO S AMD (KAST HESS 016)229
     By Senator Roach

ADOPTED 03/12/2005

     On page 22, line 12 of the title amendment, after "29A.68.011," strike "and 29A.84.650" and insert "29A.84.650, and 46.20.155"

EFFECT:  (1) Changes the statement a motor vehicle licensing agent must make relating to registering to vote to a question of whether the applicant is a United States citizen;
     (2) Changes the statement a motor vehicle licensing agent must make relating to the minimum age requirement of a registered voter to a question of whether the applicant is a United States citizen;
     (3) Prohibits the registration of an individual who answers "no" to either question.

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