SSB 5732 -
By Senators McAuliffe, Schmidt
ADOPTED 03/10/2005
On page 2, line 4, after "and" strike "eight" and insert "nine"
On page 2, line 9, after "education;" strike "and"
On page 2, line 15, after "large" insert "; and
(c) One member elected at large by the members of the boards of
directors of all private schools in the state meeting the requirements
of RCW 28A.195.010. The member representing private schools shall not
vote on matters affecting public schools. If there is a dispute about
whether or not an issue directly affects public schools, the dispute
shall be settled by a majority vote of the other members of the board.
Not later than the twenty-fifth day of August of each year, the
superintendent of public instruction shall call for an election of the
member of the state board of education representing private schools if
the term of membership will end on the second Monday of the following
January. The superintendent of public instruction shall give written
notice thereof to the chair of the board of directors of each private
school who shall distribute the notice to each member of the private
school board. The notice shall include the election calendar and rules
established by the superintendent of public instruction for the conduct
of the election"
EFFECT: Adds a representative of private schools to the State Board of Education as a nonvoting member except on issues pertaining to private schools, and provides for the election of that member.