6787-S AMS POUL ONDO 003




SSB 6787 - S AMD 165

   By    Senator Poulsen


ADOPTED 2/22/2006


   On page 2, line 22, after "as", strike all material through the end of line 25, and insert the following:



(1) a local government assumes the Vashon to Seattle passenger-only ferry route, and provides a level of service for the route that meets or exceeds the state level. The successor entity assuming the route shall assume any existing labor contract governing service on the Vashon to Seattle passenger-only ferry route; or

(2) a legislative authority of a county with a population over one million persons and having a boundary on the Puget Sound creates a ferry district under chapter 36.54 RCW, assumes service among Vashon, Southworth, and Seattle on or before June 30, 2007, and provides a level of service that meets or exceeds the state level of service on the Vashon to Seattle passenger-only ferry route. The successor entity assuming the route shall assume any existing labor contract governing service on the Vashon to Seattle passenger-only ferry route. A successor entity under this subsection shall enter into an interlocal agreement with the public transportation benefit area serving the Southworth ferry terminal within 30 days of beginning Southworth ferry service."


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EFFECT: Provides that King County may assume passenger-only ferry service among Southworth, Vashon, and Seattle if it creates a ferry district and provides passenger-only service at a level that meets or exceeds existing service.