6870-S AMS HAUG ON_D 003
SSB 6870 - S AMD 51
By Senator Haugen
ADOPTED 2/8/2006
On page 4, after line 2, insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. This act is intended to clarify the authority of the board of pilotage commissioners to pay stipends to pilot trainees that have indicated they wish to receive a stipend during the board of pilotage commissioners' training program. Section 1 of this act is remedial and curative in nature and applies retroactively to December 1, 2005. Specifically, the board may pay stipends, pursuant to the rules established by the board, to any pilot trainees that qualified for the stipends on, or after, December 1, 2005."
Renumber the sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
SSB 6870 - S AMD 51
By Senator Haugen
ADOPTED 2/8/2006
On page 1, line 3 of the title, after "(uncodified);" insert "creating a new section;"
--- END ---
EFFECT: This amendment clarifies that the Legislature intended the Board of Pilotage Commissioners to have the authority to pay stipends to trainees when the Legislature originally granted rule-making authority to the Board.