6896-S AMS MULL SUND 003
SSB 6896 - S AMD 150
By Senator Mulliken
NOT ADOPTED 3/6/2006
On page 2, on line 30, strike "1.29" and insert "4.05".
On page 2, on line 35, strike "0.87" and insert "3.44".
On page 3, on line 4, strike "January 1, 2007" and insert "July 1, 2006".
On page 3, on line 4, strike "1.77" and insert "3.44".
--- END ---
EFFECT: Increases the employer contribution towards the unfunded liabilities in PERS 1 and TRS 1 to match the actuarially recommended level of funding for the 2005-07 fiscal biennium. State contributions from the new Pension Funding Stabilization Account in fiscal year 2007 are increased from approximately $50 million to approximately $180 million.