Washington State House of Representatives |
Transportation Committee | |
HB 1026
Brief Description: Making 2003-05 supplemental transportation appropriations.
Sponsors: Representatives Murray, Linville and Morris; by request of Governor Locke.
Brief Summary of Bill |
Hearing Date: 1/19/05
Staff: Jerry Long (786-7306).
The transportation budget provides biennial appropriations to the major transportation agencies:
Department of Transportation, Washington Traffic Safety Commission, County Road
Administration Board, Transportation Improvement Board, Washington State Patrol and
Department of Licensing. The budget also provides appropriations out of transportation funds to
many smaller agencies with transportation functions.
Summary of Bill:
Adjusts the biennial appropriations for the 2003-05 biennial transportation budget.
Department of Transportation
1. Recognizes under spending in the current biennium $11.650 Million.
2. Funds $11.328 Million in ferries fuel cost increases based on the latest estimated
consumption rates and fuel cost index.
3. Funds $240,000 for ferries insurance increase.
4. Reduction of $630,000 for the negotiated contract with Amtrak.
Washington State Patrol
1. Funds $1,204,000 in overtime costs for the Washington State Patrol to provide increased
ferry security, centralized management, and additional commercial vehicle enforcement
2. Funds $859,000 vehicle fuel cost increases based on the latest estimated consumption rates and fuel cost index.
Department of Licensing
Reduction in the implementation of the biometrics identifier of $100,000 due to the elimination
of the finger print option.Agency Original 2003-05
AppropriationsGovernor Proposed
AdjustmentsProposed Revised
AppropriationsDepartment of
Transportation $3,717,491 ($712) $3,716,779 Department of
Licensing $189,163 ($100) $189,063 Washington State
Patrol $254,864 $2,063 $256,927 Bond Retirement and
Interest $344,743 ($75,882) $268,861 Agencies with no
Changes $320,208 $320,208 Total Appropriations $4,826,469 ($74,631) $4,751,838
*Amount has been revised ($17,426) based on the Governor's errata.
Appropriation: $4,751,838.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: The bill takes effect immediately.