Washington State House of Representatives Office of Program Research |
Housing Committee | |
HB 1373
Brief Description: Imposing impact fees on manufactured housing communities.
Sponsors: Representatives Simpson, Schindler, Miloscia, Chase and Holmquist.
Brief Summary of Bill |
Hearing Date: 2/1/05
Staff: Robyn Dupuis (786-7166).
Counties, cities, and towns that plan under the major provisions of the Growth Management Act
(GMA) are authorized to impose impact fees on development activity as part of the financing of
public facilities.
Impact fees may be collected and spent only for specific public facilities delineated in statute.
"Public facilities", within the context of impact fee statues, consist of the following capital
facilities that are owned or operated by government entities:
Fees are imposed on new developments, as well as on expanding developments. Fees are
imposed as per-unit charges billable to the property owner.
Current law states that local ordinances imposing impact fees must include a schedule of fees
specific to each type of development activity. The method of fee calculation must take into
account the type of development in determining the cost of its anticipated impact. Impact fees
must be:
Growth Management Act statues do not include definitions for different types of development, nor do they define how specific types of development should be classified, or financially considered, when imposing impact fees. Such decisions are delegated to local governments which do, in fact, classify and charge different fee rates for different types of housing. The primary categories are single family, multi-family and non-residential. Some local governments have also established specific categories for manufactured/mobile home communities, duplexes and others.
Summary of Bill:
Manufactured housing communities are declared to be attached, multifamily housing units for
purposes of imposing impact fees.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.