Washington State
House of Representatives
Office of Program Research

Finance Committee

HB 1502

Brief Description: Modifying tax abatement provisions.

Sponsors: Representatives Takko and DeBolt.

Brief Summary of Bill
  • Reduces the property tax on destroyed property or property damaged by a natural disaster in the year in which the destruction or damage occurred.

Hearing Date: 2/8/05.

Staff: Rick Peterson (786-7150).


Property in the state is subject to the property tax each year based on the property's value, unless specifically exempted by law. Property value is determined as of January 1 of the assessment year. Property taxes are paid in the following year based on this value. Generally changes in value that occur between the January 1 assessment date and the time the tax bill is calculated are not made.

Property that is destroyed in whole or part, or reduced in value as a result of a natural disaster after the assessment date may be eligible for an adjustment in assessed value. The property damaged in a natural disaster must be reduced in value by 20 percent or more and be located in a Governor designated disaster area. Under these circumstances the assessed value is equal to the value reduction due to the destruction or damage. The assessed value adjustment reduces the property tax in the following year. The property tax due in the year in which the destruction or damage occurs is not reduced.

For tax years 1998 through 2004, destroyed property or property damaged in certain disaster areas also received tax reductions during the year in which the destruction or damage occurred. The amount of the tax reduction was proportional to the time remaining in the year after the destruction or damage occurred.

Summary of Bill:

Property that is destroyed and property reduced in value by twenty percent by a natural disaster after the assessment date may receive tax reductions during the year in which the destruction or damage occurred. The amount of the tax reduction is proportional to the time remaining in the year after the destruction or damage occurs. The natural disaster area no longer needs to be declared by the Governor. The tax relief is not available for property that is destroyed or damaged voluntarily.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Available.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.