Washington State
House of Representatives
Office of Program Research

Capital Budget Committee

HB 1700

Brief Description: Modifying the dispersal of funds from the recreation resource account for the benefit of watercraft recreation in the state.

Sponsors: Representatives Kilmer, Buck, Dunshee and Strow.

Brief Summary of Bill
  • Modifies the dispersal of funds from the Recreation Resource Account by removing the requirement that moneys in the account must be split equally between grants to state agencies and grants to public bodies for the benefit of watercraft recreation.

Hearing Date: 2/16/05

Staff: Jeff Olsen (786-7157).


The motor vehicle fuel tax is paid on all motor vehicle fuel sold in the state. A portion of motor vehicle fuel tax collections has been rebated for boat-related purposes since passage of Initiative 215, the Marine Recreation Land Act of 1964. At least once every four years, the director of the Department of Licensing is required to determine the proportion of money paid as motor vehicle fuel tax on marine fuels. After making the determination, the director requests the State Treasurer to refund the amount from the motor vehicle fund to the marine fuel tax refund account on a monthly basis.

The Recreation Resource Account is funded from the marine fuel tax refund account. The account pays for the administrative costs of the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC). Moneys in the account are split into two equal shares for the benefit of watercraft recreation in the state. The first share is used to provide grants to state agencies for the acquisition or capital improvement to marine recreation land, including periodic dredging. Such grants may be used to secure matching funds from federal programs which are dedicated to similar projects. The second share is used to provide grants to public bodies for the acquisition or capital improvements to marine recreation land, including periodic dredging. A public body may use grants along with its own funds in order to secure federal matching funds for such projects. "Public body" includes counties, cities, towns, port districts, park and recreation districts, other municipal corporations, and Indian tribes recognized by the federal government for participation in the land and water conservation program.

Summary of Bill:

The requirement for funds from the Recreation Resource Account to be divided into two equal shares for state agencies and public bodies is eliminated.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not requested.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.