Washington State
House of Representatives
Office of Program Research

Natural Resources, Ecology & Parks Committee

HB 1701

Brief Description: Transferring certain common school trust land.

Sponsors: Representatives B. Sullivan, Dunshee and Chase.

Brief Summary of Bill
  • Directs the Board of Natural Resources to transfer Common School trust land known as "Harbor Pointe" to the City of Mukilteo for public and recreational purposes.
  • Appropriates $4.5 million from the State Building Construction Account to the Natural Resources Real Property Replacement Account for the purposes of buying replacement land.

Hearing Date: 2/18/05

Staff: Jeff Olsen (786-7157).


At the time of statehood, the federal government granted certain lands to the state to be held in trust for several specified purposes. Beneficiaries of these trustlands include the common schools, the University of Washington, Washington State University, the regional universities, the capitol buildings and grounds, and charitable, educational, penal and reform institutions. These lands are overseen by the Board of Natural Resources and administered by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). There are approximately 1.75 million acres of common school trust lands, and the income from these trust lands is appropriated in the capital budget for common school construction.

The DNR, with the approval of the Board of Natural Resources, may exchange any state land for any land of equal value in order acquire other lands when the exchange is determined to be in the best interest of the trust. The DNR may directly transfer or dispose of real property without public auction by transferring directly to a public agency. Real property may be transferred only after appraisal and for at least fair market value, and only if the transaction is in the best interest of the state or the affected trust. The Natural Resources Real Property Replacement Account consists of funds transferred or paid to the DNR for the disposal or transfer of real property.

Summary of Bill:

The Board of Natural Resources (Board) must transfer Common School trust land known as "Harbor Pointe" to the City of Mukilteo for public and recreational purposes. $4.5 million from the State Building Construction Account is appropriated to the Natural Resources Real Property Replacement Account for the purposes of buying replacement land. The Board may not expend more moneys than the valuation of the land based on a third party independent appraisal.

Appropriation: $4.5 million from the State Building Construction Account is appropriated to the Natural Resources Real Property Replacement Account..

Fiscal Note: Not requested.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.