Washington State
House of Representatives

Transportation Committee

HB 1969

Brief Description: Revising transportation goals.

Sponsors: Representatives Ericks, Hankins, Simpson, Jarrett, Upthegrove, Murray and Dickerson.

Brief Summary of Bill
  • Changes goals for the planning, operation, performance of, and investment in the state's transportation system to emphasize movement of persons rather than movement of vehicles.

Hearing Date: 2/22/05

Staff: Beth Redfield (786-7347).


The 2002 Legislature adopted certain recommendations of the state Blue Ribbon Commission on Transportation. Responding to a recommendation to adopt transportation benchmarks, the Legislature stated its intent that policy goals must be created for the operation, performance of, and investment in the state's transportation system.

The policy goals are to be used as the basis for establishing detailed performance measures to be created by the Transportation Commission.

Specific goals include the following:

1.   No interstate highways, state routes, or local arterials shall be in poor condition;

2.   No bridges shall be structurally deficient and safety retrofits must be performed on those state    bridges at the highest seismic risk levels;

3.   Traffic congestion on urban state highways shall be significantly reduced and be no worse    than the national mean;

4.   Delay per driver shall be significantly reduced and no worse than the national mean;

5.   Per capita vehicle miles traveled shall be maintained at 2000 levels;

6.   The non-auto share of commuter trips shall be increased in urban areas;

7.   Administrative costs as a percentage of transportation spending shall achieve the most       efficient quartile nationally; and

8.   The state's public transit agencies shall achieve the median cost per vehicle revenue hour of    peer transit agencies, adjusting for the regional cost-of-living.

Summary of Bill:

The bill adds that the policy goals are for the planning of the state's transportation system, in addition to operation, performance of and investment in the state's transportation system.

The reference to the Blue Ribbon Commission on Transportation's adoption of recommendations is deleted.

The specific goals are changed as follows:

1.   The goal of reducing traffic congestion on urban state highways so that it is no worse than the    national mean is deleted.

2.   The goal of reducing delay per driver is changed to delay per person and unit of goods.

3.   The goal of maintaining per capital vehicle miles traveled at year 2000 levels is changed such    that per capital vehicle miles shall be significantly reduced.

4.   Added is a specific goal to improve access to goods, services, employment, and recreation.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not requested.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.