Washington State House of Representatives Office of Program Research |
Health Care Committee | |
HB 2570
Brief Description: Prohibiting tobacco product sampling.
Sponsors: Representatives Morrell, Campbell, Green, Conway, Sells, Chase, Cody, Williams, Kilmer, Wallace, Clibborn, Flannigan, Roberts, Lovick, Hasegawa, Darneille, O'Brien, Murray, Hunt, Schual-Berke, Lantz, Moeller and Kagi.
Brief Summary of Bill |
Hearing Date: 1/19/06
Staff: Chris Blake (786-7392).
"Samplers" distribute tobacco products to the general public for promotional purposes at no cost
or nominal cost. The term does not include retailers. The Washington State Liquor Control
Board (Board) licenses samplers and requires annual license renewal.
State law prohibits sampling in public places except in places where (1) individuals under the age
of 18 are denied admission; (2) the sampling occurs in a store or concession thas has a retailer's
license; or (3) the sampling occurs at or next to a production, repair, or outdoor construction site
or facility. These exceptions do not apply to the distribution of tobacco product samples within
500 feet of a playground, school, or other facility being used primarily by individuals under 18
years of age.
Summary of Bill:
The distribution of tobacco product samples is prohibited and a violation is declared a
misdemeanor. The authority of the Board to operate a sampling licensing program is eliminated.
The definition of "tobacco product" is revised to specify that it includes cigarettes, cigars, snuff,
and other smoking tobacco and chewing tobacco products regulated by the Department of
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Requested on January 12, 2006.
Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.