ESHB 2651
C 75 L 06
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Regarding disclosure of animal information.
Sponsors: By House Committee on Economic Development, Agriculture & Trade (originally sponsored by Representatives Pettigrew, Kristiansen, Haigh, Buri, Walsh, Linville, Kretz, Grant, Cox, Newhouse, Holmquist, Blake, Armstrong and Springer).
House Committee on Economic Development, Agriculture & Trade
Senate Committee on Agriculture & Rural Economic Development
National Animal Identification System (NAIS) Purposes
In 2004, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) initiated the NAIS as a comprehensive
information system to support ongoing animal disease monitoring, surveillance, and
eradication programs. When fully operational, the system is planned to be in use in all states
to identify and track animals as they come into contact and commingle with animals other
than those in their premises of origin. The system is intended to enable animal health
officials to trace a sick animal or group of animals back to the herd or premises that was the
most likely source of infection. A stated long-term NAIS goal is to be able to identify all
premises and animals that had direct contact with a foreign animal disease or domestic
disease of concern within 48 hours of discovery.
NAIS Implementation
The NAIS implementation involves both the federal and state departments of agriculture and
has three phases: premise registration; animal identification; and animal movement
reporting. The program is voluntary, but may become mandatory at the federal level in 2009
or 2010.
The first phase, voluntary premise registration, is a state and tribal responsibility. A premise
is a location where animals are born, managed, marketed or exhibited. The state Department
of Agriculture began premise registrations in January 2005. In the past year, 875 Washington
premises have registered using an application that calls for the following information:
The second phase of NAIS will involve issuance of unique individual or group lot animal
identification numbers. Nationally, a number of industry/government species-specific
workgroups have formed to consider which types of identification will work best for their
particular animals. Methods under consideration include radio frequency identification tags,
retinal scans, DNA, and other options.
The third phase will focus on collection of information on animal movement from one
premises to another. Although the USDA had initially announced plans for the data to reside
in a central federal database, the agency recently stated that there will be no single repository,
but instead multiple databases, some with the private sector and some with states. The
databases will include: records of the animal identification number; the premises
identification number where the movement takes place; the date and type of event such as
movement in or out of a premises, or termination of the animal. Additional information
pertinent to an animal disease investigation such as species, age, and breed may also be
reported and stored.
Access to Data and Disclosure
According to the USDA, federal, state, and tribal animal health and public health officials
will have access to the databases when they need information to administer animal health
programs. Proprietary production data will not be retained by the USDA.
Due to privacy concerns voiced by producers, the USDA had been investigating options for
protecting the confidentiality of animal premises, identification and movement data from the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Because public disclosure laws, rules, and issues vary
from state to state, there is no standardized approach being taken by states with respect to
public disclosure exemptions for premises, identification, and movement data.
Reportable and Non-Reportable Diseases/Public Disclosure
The Director of the Department is authorized to designate by rule certain animal diseases as
"reportable" by veterinarians, veterinary laboratories, and others when required by statute.
Some are categorized as emergency diseases which must be reported to the State Veterinarian
on the day discovered. Examples are: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), Exotic
Newcastle Disease, Foot and Mouth Disease, and High Pathogenic Avian Influenza. Some
must be reported the next working day when suspected or confirmed, including: Brucellosis,
Chronic Wasting Disease, and Lyme Disease. Other diseases are reportable monthly. When
reportable disease investigations are complete, both positive and negative results must be
disclosed according to World Animal Health Organization (OIE) codes.
Results of testing requested by an animal owner for diseases not required to be reported is
subject to public disclosure.
Information that is submitted by an individual or business for participation in a state or
national animal identification system is exempt from public disclosure. However, disclosure
of such information to government officials at the local, state or federal levels is not public
disclosure. In addition, the exemption does not affect disclosure of information used in an
investigation of a reportable animal disease once the investigation is complete. The results
of testing for an animal disease not required to be reported that is (1) done at the request of
the owner or his or her designee and (2) can be identified to a particular business or
individual is exempt from public disclosure.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 95 0
Senate 44 0
Effective: June 7, 2006
July 1, 2006 (Section 3)