Washington State
House of Representatives
Office of Program Research

State Government Operations & Accountability Committee

HJM 4000

Brief Description: Requesting passage of the Defense Appropriations Legislation.

Sponsors: Representatives Curtis, Lovick, Hinkle, Buri, Holmquist, Rodne, Roach, Clements, Kristiansen, Armstrong, Buck, McCoy and Woods.

Brief Summary of Bill
  • Joint Memorial to the President and Congress requests that the Members of Congress and Senators from Washington pass and enact the Defense Appropriations Legislation before all other spending bills in 2005 and thereafter.

Hearing Date: 1/25/05

Staff: James Allen (786-7114).


The U.S. Congress adopts a separate budget for the Department of Defense. Memorials may be used by the Washington Legislature to request officials in Washington, DC act in a certain manner.

Summary of Bill:

The Memorial recognizes the following priorities in its message to the President and Congress. The Legislature finds that:

The Legislature requests that the Members of Congress and Senators from Washington pass and enact the Defense Appropriations Legislation before all other spending bills in 2005 and thereafter.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not requested.