Washington State
House of Representatives
Office of Program Research

Natural Resources, Ecology & Parks Committee

SSB 5914

Brief Description: Concerning the conditioning of grants and loans by the salmon recovery funding board.

Sponsors: Senate Committee on Natural Resources, Ocean & Recreation (originally sponsored by Senators Parlette and Jacobsen).

Brief Summary of Substitute Bill
  • Authorizes the Salmon Recovery Funding Board to approve changes in grant or loan terms to allow property to be transferred to a federal agency if certain habitat protections are retained.

Hearing Date: 3/18/05

Staff: Jeff Olsen (786-7157).


The Salmon Recovery Funding Board (Board) was created by the Legislature during the 1999 legislative session to allocate funds for salmon habitat and recovery activities. The Board is required to consider several factors in evaluating, ranking and awarding funds for salmon recovery projects. The Board may condition a grant or loan to prohibit the transfer of property to a federal agency unless the agency agrees to comply with all the terms of the grant or loan. Property that was improved because of a grant or loan by the Board may be conveyed to a federal agency, but only if the agency agrees to comply with all of the conditions of the grant or loan.

Summary of Bill:

Property that was acquired or improved because of a grant or loan by the Board may be conveyed to a federal agency if the board approves changes in the terms of the grant or loan and revises or removes binding deed of right instruments. In addition, the Board must approve a memorandum of understanding ensuring that the facility or property will retain, to the extent feasible, adequate habitat protections.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not requested.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.