HB 2375

As Reported By Senate Committee On:
Judiciary, February 21, 2006

Title: An act relating to session law publication.

Brief Description: Simplifying session law publication.

Sponsors: Representatives Williams, Priest, Rodne and Haler; by request of Statute Law Committee.

Brief History: Passed House: 2/07/06, 98-0.

Committee Activity: Judiciary: 2/21/06 [DP].


Majority Report: Do pass.Signed by Senators Kline, Chair; Weinstein, Vice Chair; Johnson, Ranking Minority Member; Carrell, Esser, Hargrove, McCaslin and Rasmussen.

Staff: Cindy Fazio (786-7405)

Background: The Statute Law Committee publishes session laws after each legislative session. The session laws contain all of the bills passed for the most recent session. The Committee must meet specific requirements as to the number of copies published (3,000 temporary bound sets within 75 days after adjournment of the session, and 600 additional permanent copies after that), and must publish both temporary and permanent versions of the laws. Surplus copies are sold at a price to cover costs.

Summary of Bill: The specific number of copies of session laws the Committee must publish is removed; the Committee must publish only as many copies of the session laws as necessary. The list of entities entitled to automatically receive copies of the session laws is updated, and certain specified entities may request sets of session laws for their official business. The Committee is not required to publish a temporary set of session laws.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not requested.

Committee/Commission/Task Force Created: No.

Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.

Testimony For: None.

Testimony Against: None.

Who Testified: No one.