SB 5168

C 38 L 05
Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Authorizing members of legislative bodies to serve as volunteer ambulance personnel.

Sponsors: Senators Hargrove and Shin.

Senate Committee on Government Operations & Elections
House Committee on Local Government

Background: The legislative members of a city operating under the Optional Municipal Code have authority to serve as volunteer fire fighters or reserve law enforcement officers, or both.

Members of a city operating under the Cities and Towns Code have authority to act as volunteer ambulance personnel, volunteer fire fighters, reserve law enforcement officers, or all three.

Summary: The legislative body of a city operating under the Optional Municipal Code may authorize its members to serve as volunteer ambulance personnel, volunteer fire fighters, reserve law enforcement officers, or all three.

This language is identical to that authorizing the same activities for members of cities and towns operating under the Cities and Towns Code.

Votes on Final Passage:

Senate      46   0
House      91   0

Effective: July 24, 2005