SB 5354

C 127 L 05
Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Revising administration of flood control zone districts.

Sponsors: Senators Doumit and Zarelli.

Senate Committee on Government Operations & Elections
House Committee on Local Government

Background: A flood control zone district (zone) is a special district that may be created by a
county to undertake flood control or storm water projects that benefit specific areas of the county. A zone is a quasi municipal corporation, an independent taxing authority, and a taxing district. The board of county commissioners are the zone's supervisors, and the county engineer is its administrator. In 2003, zones with more than 2,000 residents were authorized to elect their own supervisors and election procedures were established, but the authorizing legislation did not specifically address compensation of elected supervisors or administration of a zone that has elected supervisors.

Summary: Zone administration remains in the county engineer, unless the elected supervisors provide otherwise, and express authority to do so is granted. Specific provisions for compensation of elected supervisors are adopted. The act takes effect immediately.

Votes on Final Passage:

Senate      47   0
House      95   0

Effective: April 21, 2005