ESB 5418

C 342 L 05
Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Allowing consumers to place a security freeze on a credit report.

Sponsors: Senators Berkey, Benton, Fairley, Shin, Kastama, Carrell, McAuliffe, Benson, Prentice, Delvin, Kohl-Welles, Keiser and Kline.

Senate Committee on Financial Institutions, Housing & Consumer Protection
House Committee on Financial Institutions & Insurance

Background: "Identity Theft" is one of the fastest growing crimes in 21st Century America, and Washington State has a significant number of victims. Many consumers are concerned with finding new ways to protect their financial identities. California recently enacted a law providing consumers with the right to place a "security freeze" on their own credit reports. The freeze provides almost total prevention of access to a person's credit report, and can be lifted by the consumer if they wish to allow specific access.

Summary: A victim of identity theft or data security breach may place a "credit freeze" on his or her credit report, by following a detailed procedure. The consumer receives an identification code, allowing them to lift the freeze, if they want to allow temporary access to their credit histories, for a specific party or a period of time, such as during a mortgage or car loan application.

Votes on Final Passage:

Senate      33   15
House      66   30   (House amended)
Senate      47   2   (Senate concurred)

Effective: July 24, 2005