SSB 5610

C 309 L 05
Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Promoting salmon recovery on a regionwide basis.

Sponsors: Senate Committee on Natural Resources, Ocean & Recreation (originally sponsored by Senator Jacobsen).

Senate Committee on Natural Resources, Ocean & Recreation
House Committee on Natural Resources, Ecology & Parks
House Committee on Appropriations

Background: In 1990 coastal and Puget Sound restrictions were placed on coho and chinook fisheries due to declining stocks. The legislature created regional fisheries enhancement groups to help increase stocks in 1991. Following numerous salmon and steelhead listings by the federal government during the 1990's the legislature required a significant fish restoration program to be coordinated with the federal agencies and with the indian tribes as co-managers. Plans have been developed for regional enhancement based on the state's watersheds. The program needs to be coordinated and implemented at the direction of the legislature.

Lead entities are organizations made up of counties, cities, conservation districts, special districts, and tribal governments that volunteer to work together on salmon recovery.

Summary: Salmon recovery must be implemented through activities consistent with strong regional and watershed plans. A coordinated monitoring system must be implemented. Salmon recovery regions are defined based on watershed groups with common stocks of salmon. The Governor must report on statewide implementation on the salmon strategy in December of 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2012.

The Salmon Recovery Office will submit regional plans to the federal government and must assist in obtaining federal assurances under the federal Endangered Species Act. Block grants may be given to lead entities by the Salmon Recovery Funding Board. The Board may also give grants to regional recovery organizations to carry out implementation of the plans.

Votes on Final Passage:

Senate      44   3
House      80   14   (House amended)
Senate            (Senate refused to concur)
House      94   4   (House amended)
Senate      40   3   (Senate concurred)

Effective: July 24, 2005